Hochschule für Musik in Saarbrücken
For me Mr Noam Holdengreber creates a new field, that is suitable for all stage disciplines, especially for singers. This new field enables young artists to integrate all compartments and departments that are implanted during their studies…in a very easy-going and calm way…
All stage disciplines usually stem from two points of view. The inner view, how oneself thinks one should be, and the outer view, how others think one should be. Mr Holdengreber’s work is able to free oneself from this burden of how it should be done and instead motivates the students to be.
I consider Mr Holdengreber’s work in this area as ground-breaking, transforming the Feldenkrais method to a uniquely new way of body integration work.
I recommend every institute to have regular seminars with Mr Holdengreber
Berlin, Teacher at IVAI Tel-Aviv
“... I have found physically when I have a lesson with Noam, my skeletal alignment to be optimal, my energy lifted and expanded, my body lays right from head to toe and I feel powerful, confident from within this alignment and grounded. This feeling is essential for optimal singing. . . I have also noticed that my students who are dealing with various tension problems are considerably improved after working with him which makes my job as a teacher easier."
“Noam Holdengreber has had a deep impact on my professional life as a singer as well as my development as a person, and therefore an artist. The work with the Feldenkrais Technique, as he teaches it, has brought more focus and a better understanding of my body into my work as a singer. Since our instrument is our body, it is crucial to learn tools of relaxing as well as activating certain parts of one’s self when necessary. Here Mr. Holdengreber has helped me tremendously. Furthermore he is a supreme teacher in the art of growing, which I consider most important to a musician’s life.”
"Aside from Noam’s considerable gifts as a healer and an Intuit, the Feldenkrais itself is very powerful. He helped me to become conscious of all of the ways my body was holding on to ancient emotional issues from childhood, and showed me how to release them, not through my intellect, but through my bones, muscles, and cells.
My singing career started taking off once I began this work, and I also became a calmer and more self confident person. I will forever be thankful to him for this.”
Tel Aviv
“... Noam adapts the Feldenkrais Method to all performing artists and especially to voice artists and singers, through incredible understanding of our work mechanism, and the physiological aspect of singing.
Using this knowledge he helps me resolve issues with my performance skills and professional conduct. . . Every time I walk out from his class I have a better posture, and I know better how to walk, move, comport, and generally I feel I know better. .. I recommend it to every singer, musician or anybody for that matter.”
"…As an opera singer I experience sometimes emotional and physical tensions that are bringing obstacles to my singing and performance. I need this fine tuning every now and then, and working with Noam is the best way for me to get it. I truly believe that every person of any age and physicality can benefit from working with Noam.
The result is impressive, immediate, and consistent”.
“Hallel”, The Israel Choral Organisation; (musical Director), The Efroni Choir
“Mr. Noam Holdengreber is a multi-talented artist and pedagogue. Mr. Holdengreber has worked with my choir on many aspects connected to singing as an individual and as part of a group. Noam is so creative that he can approach a performance aspect from many directions and so help everyone involved to take responsibility for his voice, body, and soul.”

“As an opera singer who suffered from back pain for years, my work with Noam has been life-altering. Our work reeducating my body to choose fluid movement patterns has freed my singing dramatically and given me more confidence and greater range as a singing-actor, alleviating my pain substantially and improving the quality of my life, not only from a professional standpoint , but also personally. Noam’s natural curiosity and passion make him a very gifted teacher and healer.”
Head of Chamber Music Department, Buchmann-mehta School of Music, Tel-aviv University, Plays at trio Shaham Erez Wallfisch
“Noam Holdengreber treated me with lessons in the Feldenkraiz Method for many years. For me he is like a magician. He has a magic touch, understanding of the connection between body and mind in the deepest way I can imagine. His perception of the ‘student’ is so unique that it feels that he knows better what this person needs, which helps the student to relax, trust, and make a change... The way Noam works as a teacher is the finest example for me of how to work with piano students."
"I started to work with Noam about four years ago. Immediately there was a rapport between us and I became much more aware of my body and my inner self; not only while playing, but also in every aspect of my daily life.. . through the work with Noam I became more flexible and stable at the same time. My motions became smoother and lighter and I could minimize my back problems…"

Munich | Vienna
“I don’t want to miss the opportunity to highly recommend Noam’s work to my fellow actors. His teaching leads you in to an energized, deeply creative sensation , you feel awake and alert and in the same time relaxed and very well prepared for any possible situation in a rehearsal or a long day of shooting. Your bodily intuition increases a lot and you gain a different kind of presence and self esteem. Moreover i worked with Noam on a couple of characters for theater and film and it pushed my process of developing a role to a higher level. Take the chance if he is around to make some groundbreaking new experiences for your life and your profession. “